Arty Award

Abbotsford Arts Council presented 11th Annual Arts Awards for many artists on 11 April 2015 in Abbotsford.

Surjeet Kalsey is awarded 11th Annual Arty Award for her Outstanding Contribution to Literary Art — Poetry, Short story, and Drama.


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April is the month of daffodils.

Brings hope to any heart.

This April

Fragrance of Spring



Camellia smiles through my window

the soft pink petals bloom

the paths are covered with lilac lavender


Two eyes look through the window

and are amazed at the benedictions of the nature.

April is a Poetry Month as always

and everyday a poem is being released

from the iron bars of the traditions.


A woman is

still being stoned  somewhere

A woman is

still seeking safety, respect and dignity.

April month will go on

the heart’s wailing will go on.


As long

Within this April………

Every day is a poetry day in April

walking on the concrete sidewalk

stumbled on the pothole

fell backward and landed on my right wrist


could not hold a pen in my hand

not even the mouse

nor  can I click with my fingers

the letters on the keybord

to form the words for a poem